Randy Piper image

Randy Piper

VP, Vendor Contract Management
Senior Leadership, Marketing, Operations, & Vendor Support

Randy is a healthcare supply chain executive with a successful track record of creating, selling, and
implementing profitable, cost-saving supply chain contracting programs for IDNs, including
Intermountain Healthcare, Virginia Mason Medical Center, OSF, ProMedica, and others across the
entire continuum of healthcare.

Previously, Randy was the Managing Director for Biocom Purchasing Group, specializing in savings and cost reduction for Life Science organizations across the nation. Additionally, Randy held a key role within Intalere, a leading national healthcare GPO, where he was responsible for more than $3.2 billion of annual contract purchases across supplies, services, software, equipment, and distribution. Prior to Intalere, Randy worked for Fortune 500 organizations McKesson and Owens and Minor managing supply chain operations and developing key business relationships with suppliers and providers across the United States.

Randy grew up in Madison, Wisconsin, receiving his education from the University of Wisconsin. He and his wife Michelle reside in St. Louis, Missouri and have two daughters, Andrea and Madison.

Employee Owner Since 2025