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[Webinar] VGM Government Lunch Bucket
Event Details
Date |
Wednesday, March 25, 2020 |
Time |
11:00am - 12:30pm |
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The VGM Government team is coming together to provide attendees with an update on COVID-19 and how it is currently affecting the HME industry. Our experts will discuss topics that matter to you, including:
- Legislative update and coronavirus updates from John Gallagher, VP of Government Relations. With the spread of COVID-19, healthcare is the priority with Congress right now. This is the perfect opportunity to speak with your members of Congress about legislation that will improve the lives of patients at home and help them heal at home.
John will discuss the current pandemic and how this has brought to light the importance of accessibility to quality home medical equipment.
- Benchmarking and competitive bidding updates from Mark Higley, VP of Regulatory Affairs. Mark will also provide an update of the timeline of the 2021 contracting process as well as outline two new HME News/VGM surveys to be released soon: Round 2021 Bidding Amounts and Offered Capacity and the 2019 Financial/Benchmarking Survey.
- Payer relations news from Craig Douglas, VP of Payer Relations. As we wait for the results of Round 2021 of competitive bidding, i.e. the new rates and bid winners, DME suppliers need to also evaluate and prepare for how Round 2021 will impact the other parts of their business. Will it impact their Medicaid business? Will it impact their commercial/third-party payer business? How much of your business is actually tied to the Medicare fee schedule in some way? Craig will discuss a new tool that will help providers answer these questions and evaluate their entire book of business, and better prepare themselves for 2021 and beyond.
- Payer relations news from Ronda Buhrmester, Senior Director of Payer Relations and Reimbursement. Ronda will also share updates from the latest meetings with CGS and Noridian, as well as the National Supplier Clearinghouse (NSC), including standard written order (SWO) and continued medical need requirements, and the latest on prior authorization. She will also have discussions on reminders from the NSC. As we continue to learn more, there will be updates related to the COVID-19 environment in the DME reimbursement space.
Changes are constant in our industry; we want to make sure DME suppliers will have the tools necessary to navigate through any challenges.
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