Breathing Life into Healthcare - Celebrating Respiratory Care Week

Published in Member Communities on October 04, 2023

Breathing Life into Healthcare: Celebrating Respiratory Care Week

Respiratory Care Week takes place Oct. 22-28, 2023, and the focus shifts to bringing attention to the invaluable contributions of respiratory therapists (RTs) and specialists. These dedicated professionals are the unsung heroes of the HME industry and healthcare as a whole, providing critical support for individuals grappling with respiratory challenges. 

VGM recently interviewed Jared Eardley, Director of Education and Communication for Norco, Inc. Jared is an RT who discovered his calling to become an RT later in life after discovering the profound impact of respiratory care on patients' lives.

A Personal Journey of Dedication

Jared EardleyA pivotal moment occurred when Jared’s grandmother fell seriously ill when he was in his late 30s. She was repeatedly admitted to the hospital due to her struggle to breathe, a condition exacerbated by the constant accumulation of fluid in her lungs, necessitating the use of a giant needle for drainage. As the closest grandchild, Jared spent a significant amount of time with his grandmother in the hospital. Without a medical background, Jared felt powerless to help. However, this experience ignited a thirst for knowledge and a deep interest in understanding more about respiratory care.

"I asked a lot of questions to the medical professionals and developed and deep interest in learning more,” said Jared. “It was then that I decided to go back to school and change directions."

The Significance of Respiratory Care

"You don’t appreciate breathing until you can’t do it," stated Jared. "Respiratory care focuses on helping people in crisis." This powerful statement encapsulates the essence of respiratory care. Breathing, a fundamental aspect of our existence, is often taken for granted until it becomes a struggle. RTs serve as the guiding force in these critical moments, providing essential care and support to help individuals regain their breath and reclaim their lives.

Adapting to Changing Times

The COVID-19 pandemic brought about a seismic shift in healthcare, and respiratory care was no exception. It underscored the vital role of respiratory care in the home, emphasizing its significance in the overall patient care experience. The ability to provide correct care in the comfort of a patient's own environment emerged as a key strategy in keeping individuals out of the hospital. This shift in focus towards empowering patients in their own spaces is poised to revolutionize respiratory care in the years to come.

Celebrating Unsung Heroes

As we honor Respiratory Care Week, let us acknowledge the tireless efforts of respiratory therapists and all those who work in respiratory care. Their dedication, compassion, and expertise make a monumental difference in the lives of countless individuals. They are the guiding force that helps us all breathe a little easier and live a little better. As we celebrate this week, let us remember that every breath we take is a testament to their skill and commitment. They truly are the ones who breathe life into healthcare.

As always, VGM is so proud to have an amazing network of RTs and professionals dedicated to improving the lives of others as Part of Something Bigger!


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