VGM Wound Care Launches New Diabetic Program Guide

Published in Home Medical Equipment on September 30, 2021

VGM Wound Care is excited to launch the new Diabetic Program Guide.

“The new diabetic guide was designed to help our members understand the diabetic market and decide if a diabetic program is right for their business,” said Heather Trumm, Director of Wound Care and Bariatrics. “The guide walks the DME through looking at the opportunity, considerations and the payer reimbursement.” 

According to the CDC, 34.2 million U.S. adults have diabetes and one in five of them don’t know they have it. In the last 20 years, the number of adults diagnosed with diabetes has more than tripled.  

“Most of the population that HMEs serve are also diabetics, so it makes sense for them to service the entire patient,” said Trumm.  

The guide includes directions on how to get a diabetes program started and how to develop your program. Download the Diabetic Program Guide now

VGM also has additional resources on the member portal and are contracted with GEMCO Medical who can help guide the diabetic supply process with the product. 


  1. diabetes
  2. hme
  3. vgm
  4. wound care

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