Why Are Respiratory Clinical Outcomes Becoming So Important?
Published in
Member Communities
on January 26, 2022
Outcomes has been a buzzword in the industry for several years. But why are outcomes in the home respiratory care space becoming so important?
Zach Gantt, CEO at Encore Healthcare, recently answered this question in HME News. The full Smart Talk article can be read here.
Healthcare delivery in the U.S. is rapidly changing with emerging value-based care, accountable care organizations and other at-risk models. Hospitals, physician groups and payers are on the hook for creating better outcomes at a lower cost.
Over the last few years, more and more HME providers have been moving in the direction of adding outcome-based models into their offering. Relationships have been the key to driving sales for years, but outcomes will play a more pivotal role in winning business in the new health care ecosystem.
Read the full article from HME News