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Event Details

Date Wednesday, June 8, 2022
Time All Day
Location Embassy Suites
Hoover, AL
see map
Contact Mike Hamilton

Meeting Plans

Like everything else in our industry, meeting plans change. Although members overwhelming approved adding a second meeting in the new format we adopted for the annual meeting, what has happened since then can be covered effectively in one day, on Wednesday, June 8, 2022.

We’re going to organize the networking that always occurs via the popular panel discussion format that has served us well, and we need your help. Please respond to this message by listing the top three to five issues you currently face—no elaborate explanation required, just a word or two will suffice. Staffing, training, supply chain shortages, collections, inflation, MCO contracting, reimbursement rates, etc., just to give you a hint about what we expect.

Of course, we’ll cover the latest on the oxygen LCD and add the usual updates, very likely having our friends from Medicare, Medicaid, and Blue Cross in person for the first time post-pandemic.

Watch for an announcement that registration is open and more detail.

Learn more.

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