Member Q&A From The van Halem Group: New Order Requirement and "Master List"
Published in
Billing, Reimbursement, Audits and Compliance
on March 02, 2020
Q: "I’m curious about this new order requirement. I see that Medicare updated the notice on 2/12/20, and I’m curious about the “Master List” of items that still need a WOPD. I’m wondering if PAP equipment and supplies fall under the SWO or the WOPD. Can you help me understand?"
A: It is our understanding that everything will be replaced with the SWO, and as of this date, the only items that require the SWO prior to delivery are Power Mobility Devices. PAP equipment (E0601) used to be part of ACA. However, this is no longer the case until the “required list” is published by CMS. We do not have the “required list” as of yet, but I would imagine things that currently require WOPD will continue to require them.
We are told CMS will be providing more guidance in the coming weeks and months and all the articles and policies will need to be updated as it’s a big change. VGM, AAHomecare, and others have posed a number of questions to the contractors and are awaiting a response.
For more information and to stay up to date with regulation changes and clarifications, visit