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[Webinar] Are You Leaving Money on the Table? Well, Don't!

Event Details

Date Thursday, June 4, 2020
Time 1:00pm - 2:00pm

You know the old saying, “Don’t leave money on the table.” Well if you are not keeping up on all the billing and reimbursement changes, you could be. It’s not your fault as there have been a lot of changes to documentation and billing due to the public health emergency (PHE). There have been modifier usage changes, fee schedule increases, fee schedule extensions, and narrative requirements. This can get confusing and if it’s not managed correctly, you could be leaving money (that you are entitled to) on the table. 

In this webinar, Ronda and Dan will review the changes related to billing and reimbursement to ensure our members don’t leave money on the table. Be sure to register to learn more about the variety of fee schedules, modifier rules, documentation requirements, and more! 

Register here.

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