Member Q&A: Navigating the New U.S. Rehab Website
Published in
Complex Rehab
on February 04, 2020
Question: Where can I find information about upcoming events and webinars hosted by U.S. Rehab?
- Go to
- In the white menu at the top of the page, click on the “Events” tab.
- You’ll then be taken to the events page and will be able to see all upcoming events, trainings, and webinars! You also can filter by certain tags provided on the right hand side of the screen.
Question: Where do I find podcasts that feature U.S. Rehab?
- Go to
- In the white menu at the top of the page, click on the “News” tab.
- Scroll down and you’ll be able to see options to “Filter by Category” and “Filter by Type." Click on the drop-down menu for “Filter by Type” and select the “Podcast” option.
- All podcasts associated under the selected category will then appear on the screen.
- If you click on the drop-down menu for “Filter by Category” and click on “Select a Category,” all podcasts across all membership communities will appear.
- You can also filter by selecting a specific membership community from this drop-down menu and see podcasts only specific to that membership community.
Question: How can I submit a contact form to get in touch with a U.S. Rehab employee?
- Go to
- In the white menu at the top of the page, click on the “Contact” tab.
- Scroll down and fill out the form! A member of the U.S. Rehab staff will reach out to you shortly after your form is submitted.