John Gallagher and Greg Packer Attend Successful Fly-In on Capitol Hill

Published in Government Relations on May 16, 2023

On May 10, John Gallagher, VP of VGM Government Relations, and Greg Packer, President of U.S. Rehab, participated in the AAHomecare Fly-In event in Washington D.C. The purpose of their attendance was to discuss key industry issues with members of Congress and their staff. 

John, Guthrie, Witter, Apria

One of the main focuses of their discussions was the introduction of S. 1294. This bill aims to establish a 75/25 blended rate for non-rural, non-competitive bidding area (CBA) suppliers. Senator Stabenow from Michigan and Senator Thune from South Dakota are the sponsors of this bill. Additionally, talks were underway regarding a potential house bill with Representative Tonko from New York. 

The plan for the competitive bid program and its current status with the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) was also discussed. Gallagher and Packer highlighted the fact that suppliers have been operating under the same rates since 2016, despite significant inflation and supply chain issues. This ended on the topic of deficit reduction through sequestration. Strategies to mitigate the impact of sequestration on the industry were explored. 

Positive interactions were reported with staff at Senator Crapo's office, Senator Lankford, staff from Senator Ernst's office, and a member of Representative Feenestra’s office. These individuals expressed support for the industry's efforts and willingness to help. 

John with Staff Member

Conversations that were had with individuals such as Rep. Miller-Meeks and staff from Senator Grassley’s office were productive, with a willingness to review the information and work towards future collaboration. There was a shared understanding of issues related to blended rates (75/25) and the complex rehab technology (CRT) information. 

Additionally, Senator Marshall from Kansas was working on a bill called the "Improving Seniors Timely Access to Care Act," which would aid in the prior authorization (PA) process. The meeting with Senator Marshall was productive. 

Greg and Wayne

Overall, Packer and Gallagher attended 14 successful meetings in D.C., with various members of Congress and their staff showing support and understanding of the industry's concerns. VGM Government Relations will continue to champion change for the industry throughout the year on Capitol Hill and at the grassroots level.  


  1. cms
  2. complex rehab
  3. medicare
  4. vgm
  5. vgm government

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